
Club Committee

Say hello to your SHAEF Shifters Club Committee 👋

  • Secretary: Nick Rowe

  • Website/IT Officer: Owen Delaney

  • Kit Officer: Oliver Edwards

  • Welfare Officer: Paul Graham

  • Chair: Gary Neville

  • Treasurer: Ian Fullen

  • Membership Secretary: Naomi Johns

  • Social Secretary: Maria Jovani

Nick Rowe

Club Secretary

When and how did you start running?

“I managed to get a charity place in the 2011 London Marathon, having played regular football and other team sports all my life I thought I had a decent level of fitness but soon found out I wasn't running fit. However with 6 months of training (and the usual beginners injuries) I managed a sub 4 marathon and despite telling everyone before hand it was going to be a one time only event I was then hooked. Started running Bushy parkrun and started to speak to fellow runners who I saw each week and found the camaraderie that I was missing from team sports in my new favourite sporting pastime.”

What have been your running highlights?

“So many highlights. Have now done 10 marathons and managed to reduce PB to 3:21. I was also proud of my one and only ultra effort - 80 muddy hilly miles in a 24 hour race. Really enjoy racing and had some performances I'm very proud of including one magical weekend when I got my all time parkrun PB (19:01) then a 87 minute half marathon the next day. Been lucky to meet some great people through running, many of whom helped found SHAEF and have now done 250 parkruns including runs at 35 different events in a number of countries. Done some group events with the Shifters including Green Belt Relay and Copenhagen half and good to really get to know your club mates in a more social environment - and even see them out of lycra. Lucky enough to have many friends having now taken up running and always enjoy the events where there are a few of us there and a chance to sit back afterwards and share memories of the run (ideally over a cold beer).”

Where's your favourite place to run?

“Always take my running shoes wherever I go and have run in some amazing locations around the UK and world but if I had to choose one last run I'd have to go for where it all started .... Bushy Park - beautiful scenery and love how it changes so much during the seasons.”

Owen Delaney

Website/IT Officer

When and how did you start running?

“When we decided to start a family back in 2004, I realised I needed to do something if I was ever going to be able to run around after my kids! We started going to the gym, then when my wife did a bit of treadmill running, I thought well if she can, then so can I. Caught the bug pretty quick, and ran my first race at the Nike RunLondon 10K that year, and I haven't looked back since. Best thing I ever did.”

What have been your running highlights?

“There's quite a few. Starting this running club with a group of new friends has been a big highlight for me.
I'm part of the core volunteer group that started Moormead junior parkrun a few years ago, which has been a great experience for me and the kids.
In terms of personal acheivements, it has to be finishing completing the Arc of Attrition, a 100 mile foot race along the coastal path in Cornwall. It's a beautiful place to run, and it was an incredible experience running this event in 2017.”

Where's your favourite place to run?

“That's a difficult one. There are two places that hold the top spot for me, and each for a different reason. I love the solitude of running on Box Hill first thing in the morning as the sun is coming up, with the place to myself. There's something about that hill that keeps drawing me back. But you can't beat Bushy Park - I grew up in a house that backs onto the park, and spent my childhood running about playing there. It holds so many memories, old and recent, and is always going to be a pretty special place for me.”

For any questions or issues relating to the club website or comms, you can contact Owen at

Paul Graham

Welfare Officer

When and how did you start running?

“I remember running in primary school. Just running the length of the playground like a Beep Test to see how many times I could do it before the end of playtime whistle went. This also helped get away when the girls wanted to play Kiss Chase!
My first race was the The Paras 10 Mile Race 11th March 1990. See pic. I then I did the Wokingham half marathon before my first London Marathon the following April at the age of 18. I ran all these with my sporty brother.”

What have been your running highlights?

“My highlights aren’t really a race performance, but joining a running club at 18 meeting and meeting like minded people when cross country running was not cool at that time was a highlight. I had a good performance at a mob match and was encouraged to run the Junior National Cross Country. My first experience of spending a weekend away from home and racing with a hangover. I then started to train five days a week and just became part of the ‘fast’ training group.
I still run with all the old faces that encouraged and supported me when I was young, and when they were a bit younger, at local parkruns.
My PBs are pretty good, but my real highlights have been seeing my wife (Mrs G) win races and medals, starting junior parkrun when it was not deemed suitable for kids to run (I even had a local councillor and MP write to me saying it was not good for them), and being able to use my occupational therapy knowledge to mentor and coach young athletes.”

Where's your favourite place to run?

“After technically retiring from running in 2006 due to a chronic Achilles condition that I had been trying to manage since 1997, I thought I’d never run without pain. I can run without pain now after working out how my central nervous system works to sequence and process movement, so every time I run I’m just grateful to run, pain free, without the stress of performance, and with other people. I just happen to live near Bushy Park but even running on a treadmill is enjoyable. Every run I do is one that I thought wouldn’t be possible given the nature of my condition. So every time I run, wherever I run, and whoever I’m with, I see as a bonus.”

Please report any welfare or safe guarding concerns to this email address:

The welfare officer will confidentially record any information and an investigation will be made. Any response from the club will then be made to the relevant people or organisations.

Gary Neville


When and how did you start running?

“When I moved to Teddington from Scotland 10+ years ago I thought the time was right to gracefully retire from playing football (with my knees intact!). Also my mountain bike went into the shed (no Cairngorms nearby). With Bushy Park my new backyard it was pretty obvious that I had to take up running.”

What have been your running highlights?

“Started off running with an informal group of like minded folks several times a week, gradually building up fitness and confidence to attempt the Reading half marathon. Then after many years of putting up with peer pressure I finally got a ballot place in the 2014 London marathon and there were no more excuses for not running a 26.2. I did the work and delivered my target time! I took the learning from the experience and continue to enjoy the challenge of getting to the start line in the best possible shape to test myself and to enjoy each race. Also I’ve discovered that wherever you are in the world you can always find a friend or colleague to go for a run and explore the surroundings. However, you can’t beat a Sunday morning long run with a group of friends in the local parks and along the towpath, and even better if it’s frosty!”

Where's your favourite place to run?

“Easy it has to be Bushy and Home Parks although I do like a detour to Richmond Park to get in some hills!”

Ian Fullen


When and how did you start running?

“I first started running when I was about 9-10 years old. I kept at it until I was about 16 and then as other things in life took priority I hung up my running spikes. When I hit 30 and was decidedly unfit I realised I needed to get into something active and chose to get back into it. My 'second' running career started like many people with lots of aches, pains and niggles, but after a year or so I was a fairly regular runner and really enjoying pushing myself to see what was possible.”

What have been your running highlights?

“To be honest, no one result or event really jumps out. That's one of the beauties of running that keeps you coming back for more; no matter what happens you always looks back and think you could do better. If I was to pick out three events I would say London marathon in 2017. I had been injured until just a few weeks before and had no expectation going into the race, but ended up running far better than I hoped for and felt great running along Embankment and into the finish. It was probably the first time I've really enjoyed the last 6 miles of the marathon! I'd also pick out taking part in the Ealing Half Marathon a few years back, which although wasn't particularly fast it was the first time I felt a bit of the 'bug' for running again. Lastly would be completing The Wall in 2017. As someone who used to run 800m on the track, my specialty is not running 69 miles but completing that in one piece and finishing in the top 10 is something that I am very proud of.”

Where's your favourite place to run?

“I would say I have two favourites. Firstly, I always enjoy running along the Thames towpath along the river out to Teddington, particularly the stretch around Kew Gardens. My favourite is late in the evening when its dark as I really enjoy the solitude and peace. It helps to know every step of the way as well after doing it so many times! Second would be a couple of the routes I used to run as a kid. I don't get to do them very often any more as I don't get up to Newcastle too much, but when I do it really takes me back to my younger days doing some serious training!”

Naomi Johns

Membership Secretary

When and how did you start running?

“The seeds of running started way back when I was at school. Back then I’d run the 800m and 1500m (badly!) and somehow used to get selected for the Cross Country competition with some regularity. Probably because back in the 80s everyone else hated to run cross country and would do whatever they could do to get out of it! During my late teens and 20s the running years were barren and then I picked it up again when I was in my 30s. Mostly I can attribute getting back into running with some seriousness when I had a personal trainer. She was a keen runner and would often have me huffing and puffing alongside (actually mainly behind) her. Often she’d add in some intervals and I saw my fitness increase. Sadly she was diagnosed with breast cancer and with great sadness died in 2012. But it was this that inspired me and spurred me into taking part in my first half and the inaugural Ealing Half Marathon, running and raising money in her memory. I remember thinking at the end of it the race there was absolutely no way that I’d want to run that distance twice and do a marathon. Yet that’s the thing about running, it draws you in and makes you believe you can do these things. I’ve now run countless races of various distances including many marathons.”

What have been your running highlights?

“That’s a hard question to answer and I would say - too many to mention. For me it’s not all about running the fastest time (especially as I’ve got older). Running is so much more than that. Yes, I’ve absolutely loved some of the races I’ve taken part in – 24 hours in a mini bus as part of a Ragnar Relay team was an absolute highlight. My final leg of three at 4:30am was a completely surreal yet brilliant experience. And I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in a very long time. Such amazing team solidarity – even at the absolute height of sleep deprivation.
Yet I also loved finding new routes during the Covid lockdowns and discovering parts of my neighbourhood I may have previously overlooked. Without the curiosity of wondering where a path may lead I hadn’t taken before (because let’s face it we can all be guilty of running the same familiar routes time and again) I wouldn’t have seen some beautiful new trails – and for that I am grateful.”

Where's your favourite place to run?

“That’s a hard one to answer because it very much depends on how I am feeling at that particular time on that particular day. If I had to choose one then it would be an oldie but a goodie - of course I love the beauty of Bushy Park and how the light changes with every hour. I’ve spent so much time running in Bushy over the years and it offers that amazing familiarity yet a great big hug when sometimes you need it most.”